June 2024 Many ‘employers’ in New Zealand, operate under a corporate identity through a limited liability company. There is a common assumption that if a company becomes insolvent, the directors or those that influence or control the company are protected by the ‘corporate veil’ – and can avoid personal consequences. In some circumstances, as this… Read More.

June 2024 It is recommended that all purchasers invest in a Land Information Memorandum (LIM Report) as part of their investigations into a property that they are interested in purchasing. So, what is it? A LIM Report provides a summary of the information that the local council currently holds relating to the property itself as… Read More.

June 2024 Two recent high profile Australian intellectual property cases show that while clever marketing strategies can be used to signal similarities and differences between your business and that of your competitors, care needs to be taken or you could be at risk of claims of trademark infringement. The High Court of Australia in Self… Read More.

June 2024 The success and sustainability of a company can be in part attributed to the ability of its Board to stay on top of the latest developments, act quickly, and make informed decisions. So, what are some of the key questions that directors should be asking themselves to ensure they achieve this? Leveraging emerging… Read More.

March 2024 The Government has fulfilled its commitment to update legislation in relation to 90-day trial periods within its first 100 days. The Employment Relations (Trial Periods) Amendment Bill (Bill) was passed on 21 December 2023, after a fast-tracked process through Parliament. Following Royal Assent, trial periods are now able to be used by all… Read More.

March 2024 Young couples are increasingly reliant on KiwiSaver withdrawals and the ‘bank of mum and dad’ to purchase a home. But what happens if the relationship ends before three years? While it might be assumed that contributions to the purchase would be returned to the people that made them, it’s not a given. Under… Read More.

March 2024 So, you recently started a business. That business is now booming, growth has been exponential, and it has become bigger than you ever imagined. So, what’s the problem? While rapid expansion can be a measure of success, it's essential to navigate this growth carefully. There are several pitfalls you could fall victim to… Read More.

March 2024 The Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 imposes legal obligations on everyone conducting business or undertakings to ensure a safe workplace. Sport or recreation organisations should be aware these obligations also apply to them regardless of whether the activity is for profit and even if they are mostly volunteers. The Act imposes… Read More.