June 2024 Many ‘employers’ in New Zealand, operate under a corporate identity through a limited liability company. There is a common assumption that if a company becomes insolvent, the directors or those that influence or control the company are protected by the ‘corporate veil’ – and can avoid personal consequences. In some circumstances, as this… Read More.

March 2024 The Government has fulfilled its commitment to update legislation in relation to 90-day trial periods within its first 100 days. The Employment Relations (Trial Periods) Amendment Bill (Bill) was passed on 21 December 2023, after a fast-tracked process through Parliament. Following Royal Assent, trial periods are now able to be used by all… Read More.

December 2023 As we approach the festive season, employers should take note of several key situations that could impact their employment relationships with staff. The Christmas party Every year, harassment, including sexual harassment at the Christmas party, is one of the most common complaints that employers receive. This makes it important that employers implement policies… Read More.

September 2023 Personal Grievance and Sexual Harassment A large light has been shining directly onto sexual harassment in the workplace. The light is exposing the disconcerting reality that sexual harassment exists but often goes unreported. The Employment Relations (Extended Time for Personal Grievance for Sexual Harassment) Amendment Act 2023 (the Act) extends the time for… Read More.

July 2023 In New Zealand, employees have the right to work for other employers, even if they are already employed full-time. To prevent this, employers can include terms in their employment agreements that prevent or restrict their employees from working multiple jobs. However, rules in the Employment Relations Act 2000 (Act) limit the employer’s rights… Read More.

March 2023 There are numerous legislative changes on the horizon and employers are in for a busy year adjusting to new employment law developments. Minimum Wage Increase The minimum wage increase to $22.70 per hour will come into effect from 1 April 2023. The increase is in line with recent increases in inflation and the… Read More.

March 2023 Discrimination is a reality for disabled people. The Human Rights Act 1993 and the Employment Relations Act 2000 are two key statutes which cover discrimination in employment. The Human Rights Act does not define discrimination, but rather it lists prohibited grounds of discrimination, for example disability, which means physical disability or impairments, physical… Read More.

November 2022 This article outlines and considers the implications of proposed and potentially transformative legislation around ‘no-fault termination’ that, if implemented, will have an impact on every business and worker in New Zealand. The Future of Work Tripartite Forum (the Forum) is a partnership between the Government, Business New Zealand, and the New Zealand Council… Read More.