June 2016 Legal position It is well established that an employer is not bound to hold a job open indefinitely for an employee who is unable, due to illness or injury, to attend work. However, if an employer does decide to dismiss for incapacity, that can be challenged through the personal grievance process as set… Read More.
June 2016 The Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 (‘the Act’) came into force on 4 April 2016, bringing new responsibilities for everyone in the workplace. The Act is part of a reform package aimed at reducing the number of serious work-related injuries and deaths in New Zealand by at least 25 percent by… Read More.
June 2016 As drones become a much more familiar sight buzzing over public events, commercial premises or around homes and parks, it’s wise to remember that these are not just toys but are legally considered to be a type of aircraft – albeit unmanned – having to abide by rules and regulations as set out… Read More.
June 2016 What should you do when your employee is missing in action? How do you handle the employee who just doesn’t turn up? Has your employee abandoned employment? This seems to happen more often than you would expect – and in some industries, it is not at all uncommon. There are at least two… Read More.
June 2016 Many New Zealanders belong to a club: from rugby clubs to model train clubs, swimming clubs to bridge clubs; there are clubs catering for a wide range of activities and interests. Most clubs are incorporated legal entities established under the Incorporated Societies Act 1908. This legislation is over 100 years old and is… Read More.
June 2016 Internet users appear to expect it, and as a society we seem to be increasingly immune to it, but is that ‘trolling’ you’re doing (or suffering) online able to be actioned in court? The answer may be yes more often than you would anticipate. The mode of communication does not often determine the… Read More.
June 2016 The Employment Standards Legislation Bill has seen some sweeping changes made to our employment laws, which come into effect on 1 April 2016. The Bill makes several amendments to key pieces of employment legislation with the aim of ‘(promoting) fairer and more productive workplaces by providing enhanced protections and benefits for both employers… Read More.