March 2025 Rural landowners often consider developing or subdividing their land. This article explores one key aspect and how it might impact these plans. What is the National Policy Statement for Highly Productive Land (NPS-HPL)? The National Policy Statement for Highly Productive Land (NPS-HPL) came into effect in 2022 with the objective of protecting highly… Read More.

September 2021 Significant changes to rural potable water supplies on the way. Introduction The Water Services Bill currently progressing through the parliamentary process creates significant change to rural drinking water compliance. While the proposed bill relates to the supply of all drinking water (urban and rural), when passed the Act will replace Part 2A of… Read More.

March 2021 Paper roads There are thousands of roads situated throughout rural New Zealand that have never been physically formed and may never be. This is particularly the case in rural areas, where there are significant stretches of unformed roads running through farmland, better known as paper roads. Although paper roads are unformed, they are… Read More.

November 2019 Over recent years I have heard a number of farmers ask: Who is ever going to buy my farm? With the level of farm profitability and debt, how could a family member ever succeed to this farm? There have been several articles in recent times that have recorded and commented on the fact… Read More.

November 2019 The Farm Debt Mediation Bill (No 2) (‘the Bill’) has been introduced with the intention of establishing an equitable and efficient mediation scheme to resolve farm debt issues between farmers and secured creditors. The Bill would require secured creditors, which includes nonbank creditors, with security interests in farms to engage in a farm… Read More.

September 2019 Owners of animals will be aware that they have the potential to cause significant damage to property including land, crops or other animals. When animals are properly managed, this damage can be controlled. However, when livestock strays onto a neighbour’s land and causes damage, a question arises: who is liable for the damage?… Read More.

March 2018 Succession planning is a vital task for the long term success of any family farming business, but it can be a daunting exercise. The following article considers four possible succession structures commonly used by farming families. 1.       Trusts Perhaps the most well-known option, placing farming property into a trust, provides the following benefits:… Read More.

November 2016 Recently, we were asked whether a lessee under a farm lease was allowed to grant a licence to a beekeeper for a honey venture. Was the landlord required to consent to this? Was it a breach of the lease if it had already been done? Surprisingly, there is very little case law on… Read More.